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Fungible Token (FT) and Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Operations

DLUX offers a decentralized protocol for minting and trading NFT's. These tokens can be minted, auctioned, transferred, sold, bought, held in escrow, bid on, or deleted.

Actions Available

token_ in the ids is the config.prefix. dlux_send on DLUX for example

NFT (non-fungible token) Actions

NFT Transfer (id: token_nft_transfer)

This action transfers an NFT from one wallet to another.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred
  • to = string representing the wallet to receive the transfer


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'aa',
    to: 'somebody'

NFT Reserve Transfer (id: token_nft_reserve_transfer)

This action builds a token escrow contract with payment price and expiration. Seller uses this action to create a contract for specific wallet to pay for and receive the NFT. As opposed to listing it publicly on the market which would allow any buyer to buy the token.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred
  • to = string representing the wallet to receive the transfer
  • price = integer representing price to complete the contract, with 3 precision.


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'aa',
    to: 'somebody',
    price: 1000 // 1.000 DLUX 

NFT Reserve Complete (id: token_nft_reserve_complete)

This action fulfills an NFT escrow transfer via complete payment. Recipient of NFT uses this action to complete the contract and receive the NFT. If successfully, the price defined in the contract will be deducted from the wallet.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'aa'

NFT Transfer Cancel (id: token_nft_transfer_cancel)

This action cancels an NFT transfer escrow contract.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'AA'

NFT Delete (id: token_nft_delete)

This action will permanently delete an NFT. Cannot be undone. Changes NFT's owner to D.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'AA'

NFT Define (id: token_nft_define)

This action defines a new NFT set.


  • name = string
  • type = integer
  • script = string. see below example.
  • permlink = string representing Hive content permlink pointing to NFT set announcement post
  • start = string. Base-64 encoded, controls how many editions can be minted for this set
  • end = string. Base-64 encoded, controls how many editions can be minted for this set.
  • royalty = integer
  • handling = string
  • max_fee = integer
  • bond = integer representing a burn value that can be preloaded into the contract


`json: {
"type": 1,
"script": "QmPsxgySUZibuojuUWCMQJpT2uZhijY4Cf7tuJKR8gpZqq", // see example below
"permlink": "disregardfiat/nft-announcement",
"start": "00",
"end": "==", // 4,096 unique mints for this set
"royalty": 100,
"handling": "svg",
"max_fee": 10000000,
"bond": 1000, //A burn value that can be preloaded into the contract

script example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
function compile (message, display) {
const colors = ['#000000', '#AA0000', '#00AA00', '#AA5500', '#0000AA', '#AA00AA', '#00AAAA', '#AAAAAA', '#555555', '#FF5555', '#55FF55', '#FFFF55', '#5555FF', '#FF55FF', '#55FFFF', '#FFFFFF']
const Base64 = {
    _Rixits :
    toFlags : function (rixits) {
        var result = []
        rixits = rixits.split('');
        for (j = 0; j < rixits.length; j++) {
            for (var i = 32; i >= 1; i = i/2){
                if (this._Rixits.indexOf(rixits[j]) >= i){
                    rixits[j] = this._Rixits[this._Rixits.indexOf(rixits[j]) - i]
                } else {
        return result
        const flags = Base64.toFlags(message)
        var uColors = []
        var picker = 0
        for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++){
            for(var j = 0; j < 4; j++){
                if(flags[i*4 + j]){
                    picker += Math.pow(2,j)
            picker = 0
        const SVG = '<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 333 333"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#393d49;}.cls-2' + uColors[0].replace('#', '') + '{fill:' + uColors[0] + ';}.cls-3' + uColors[1].replace('#', '') + '{fill:' + uColors[1] + ';}.cls-4' + uColors[2].replace('#', '') + '{fill:' + uColors[2] + ';}</style></defs><rect class="cls-1" width="333" height="333" rx="33.3"/><polygon class="cls-2' + uColors[0].replace('#', '') + '" points="180.51 142.86 180.22 142.86 123.17 46.14 207.53 44.57 214.82 56.49 144.19 57.9 151.11 69.33 165.81 93.63 180.52 117.94 187.66 129.75 201.54 129.74 229.98 129.74 257.94 129.74 271.94 129.74 236.41 68.54 249.57 68.67 292.68 142.08 180.51 142.86"/><polygon class="cls-3' + uColors[1].replace('#', '') + '" points="123.17 46.14 180.22 142.86 180.51 142.86 173.73 154.38 173.48 154.38 116.46 58.51 123.17 46.14"/><polygon class="cls-4' + uColors[2].replace('#', '') + '" points="180.06 68.94 151.11 69.33 144.19 57.9 214.82 56.49 180.52 117.94 173.07 105.61 193.51 68.76 180.11 68.94 180.06 68.94"/><polygon class="cls-2' + uColors[0].replace('#', '') + '" points="81.49 69.81 95.22 69.9 152.32 166.28 137.95 166.24 81.49 69.81"/><polygon class="cls-3' + uColors[1].replace('#', '') + '" points="103.73 203.78 117.29 178.81 123.88 166.69 116.86 154.7 102.5 130.16 88.38 106.03 81.31 93.94 46.42 155.51 39.89 144.09 81.49 69.81 137.95 166.24 84.27 264.56 40.32 192.55 46.93 180.23 83.81 240.48 90.18 228.75 103.73 203.78"/><polygon class="cls-3' + uColors[1].replace('#', '') + '" points="180.11 68.94 193.51 68.76 173.07 105.61 180.52 117.94 165.81 93.63 180.06 68.94 180.11 68.94"/><polygon class="cls-3' + uColors[1].replace('#', '') + '" points="201.54 129.53 236.29 68.47 236.41 68.54 271.94 129.74 257.94 129.74 257.94 129.68 243.57 105.23 236.13 92.56 215.68 129.32 201.54 129.53"/><polygon class="cls-4' + uColors[2].replace('#', '') + '" points="81.31 93.94 88.38 106.03 88.33 106.06 74.48 130.81 67.31 143.63 109.36 142.71 116.68 154.81 46.42 155.66 46.42 155.51 81.31 93.94"/><polygon class="cls-4' + uColors[2].replace('#', '') + '" points="236.13 92.56 243.57 105.23 243.35 105.36 229.98 129.25 229.98 129.74 201.54 129.74 201.54 129.53 215.68 129.32 236.13 92.56"/><polygon class="cls-2' + uColors[0].replace('#', '') + '" points="102.5 130.16 116.86 154.7 116.68 154.81 109.36 142.71 67.31 143.63 74.48 130.81 74.71 130.93 102.07 130.41 102.5 130.16"/><polygon class="cls-4' + uColors[2].replace('#', '') + '" points="173.73 154.38 180.51 142.86 292.68 142.08 285.67 153.89 173.73 154.38"/><polygon class="cls-4' + uColors[2].replace('#', '') + '" points="137.95 166.24 152.32 166.28 152.47 166.52 98.34 264.11 84.27 264.56 137.95 166.24"/><polygon class="cls-2' + uColors[0].replace('#', '') + '" points="75.22 203.95 90.18 228.75 83.81 240.48 46.93 180.23 117.29 178.81 110.41 191.47 68.27 192.43 75.2 203.91 75.22 203.95"/><polygon class="cls-4' + uColors[2].replace('#', '') + '" points="117.29 178.81 103.73 203.78 75.22 203.95 75.2 203.91 68.27 192.43 110.41 191.47 117.29 178.81"/><polygon class="cls-2' + uColors[0].replace('#', '') + '" points="173.73 178.97 284.69 177.27 293.11 190.05 181.29 191.19 173.73 178.97 173.73 178.97"/><polygon class="cls-3' + uColors[1].replace('#', '') + '" points="173.45 178.98 173.73 178.97 173.73 178.97 181.29 191.19 125.66 288.43 118.67 276.21 173.45 178.98"/><polygon class="cls-4' + uColors[2].replace('#', '') + '" points="230.69 203.13 216.31 203.23 202.17 203.32 188.28 203.42 181.41 215.38 167.24 240.01 153.07 264.63 146.42 276.21 217.06 276.06 210.03 288.14 125.66 288.43 181.29 191.19 293.11 190.05 251.53 263.12 238.38 263.54 272.65 202.84 257.89 202.95 230.69 203.13"/><polygon class="cls-3' + uColors[1].replace('#', '') + '" points="202.17 203.32 216.31 203.23 237.56 239.53 244.7 226.68 257.89 202.95 272.65 202.84 238.38 263.54 238.25 263.61 202.17 203.32"/><polygon class="cls-2' + uColors[0].replace('#', '') + '" points="216.31 203.23 230.69 203.13 244.5 226.57 244.7 226.68 237.56 239.53 216.31 203.23"/><polygon class="cls-3' + uColors[1].replace('#', '') + '" points="167.24 240.01 181.41 215.38 174.24 227.88 195.49 264.27 182.08 264.38 182.03 264.38 167.24 240.01"/><polygon class="cls-2' + uColors[0].replace('#', '') + '" points="182.03 264.38 182.08 264.38 195.49 264.27 174.24 227.88 181.41 215.38 217.06 276.06 146.42 276.21 153.07 264.63 182.03 264.38"/></svg>'

            document.getElementById('body').innerHTML = SVG
        } else {
            return {HTML:SVG, attributes:[{name:'Color 1', value: uColors[0]},{name:'Color 2', value: uColors[1]},{name:'Color 3', value: uColors[2]}], sealed:''}
if (window.addEventListener) {
    window.addEventListener("message", onMessage, false);
    else if (window.attachEvent) {
    window.attachEvent("onmessage", onMessage, false);
    function onMessage(event) {
    var data =;
    if (typeof(window[data.func]) == "function") {
    const got = window[data.func].call(null, data.message);
        'func': 'compiled',
        'message': got
        }, "*");
function onLoad(id){
        'func': 'loaded',
        'message': id
        }, "*");
<body id="body">Append ?NFT_UID to the address bar to see that NFT. "...html?A6"<script>const uid = location.href.split('?')[1]; if(uid){compile(uid, true)}else{onLoad(uid)}</script></body></html>

The script should return:

`{HTML:SVG, attributes:[{name:'Color 1', value: uColors[0]},{name:'Color 2', value: uColors[1]},{name:'Color 3', value: uColors[2]}], sealed:''} HTML, which may include Base64 Imgs, GTLF, etc... plus an array of attributes, and optionally a sealed picture`

NFT Mint (id: token_nft_mint)

This action mints a new NFT


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set


    set: "dlux"

NFT Auction (id: token_nft_auction)

This action lists an NFT for auction on the market. Temporarily changes owner to 'ah'.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred
  • price = integer with 3 precision represent the starting price
  • now = integer representing 'buy it now' price. Not implemented.
  • time = integer representing the number of days before auction is closed


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'AA',
    price: 1000, // 1.000 DLUX
    now: 10000, // not implemented
    time: 7 //integer days

NFT Auction bidding (id: token_nft_bid)

This action makes a bid for an active NFT action


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred
  • bid_amount = integer representing amount to bid, with 3 precision. i.e. to bid 10.000 tokens, use 10000.


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'AA',
    bid_amount: 1000

NFT Sell (id: token_nft_sell)

This lists an NFT for sale on the market.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred
  • price = integer representing amount to sell the NFT for, with 3 precision. i.e. to list for 10.000 tokens, use 10000. Default value = 1000.


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'AA',
    price: 1000 // 1.000 DLUX

NFT Market Buy (id: token_nft_buy)


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred
  • price = integer representing amount to sell the NFT for, with 3 precision. i.e. to list for 10.000 tokens, use 10000.


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'AA',
    price: 1000 // 1.000 DLUX

NFT Sell Cancel (id: token_nft_sell_cancel)

This action cancels an NFT market sale listing


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • uid = string representing the unique ID of the NFT to be transferred


    set: 'dlux',
    uid: 'AA'

FT (fungible token) Actions

Similar to NFTs, DLUX offers a decentralized protocol for creating and trading NFT's. These tokens can be airdropped, auctioned, transferred, sold, bought, held in escrow, or bid on.

FT Transfer (id: token_ft_transfer)

This action transfers a FT from wallet to wallet.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • to = string representing wallet to transfer to


    set: 'dlux',
    to: 'somebody'

FT Airdrop (id: token_ft_airdrop)

This action airdrops tokens to a list of wallets.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • to = List of string representing wallet to airdrop to


    set: 'dlux',
    to: ['somebody','someother']

FT Escrow (id: token_ft_escrow)

This action creates escrow contract for a token. Used for interaccount sales. This proposes a sale which can be completed below.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • to = string account that can accept the trade
  • price = int token plus precision.


    set: "dlux",
    to: "markegiles",

FT Escrow Complete (id: token_ft_escrow_complete)

This action completes escrow for a token.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set


Not implemented

FT Escrow Cancel (id: token_ft_escrow_cancel)

This action cancels escrow for a token.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set


Not implemented

FT Sell (id: token_ft_sell)

This action lists a token for sale on the market.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
  • hive | hbd | price = int with precision specifiying the sale price
  • quantity = int for items for sale
  • distro = string account_centipercents,etc_etc hive name and percent to distribute hive and HBD to, not availible for in token sales. distro centipercents must add to 10000


    set: "dlux",
    hive: 1000 //hbd also possible, "price" for in token pricing (1000 is 1.000 Hive)
    quantity: 1,
    distro: "markegiles_9000,dlux-io_1000" // hive and hbd sales can be auto split to accounts.

FT Buy (id: token_ft_buy)

This action places a buy order for token on the market.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set


FT Sell Cancel (id: token_ft_sell_cancel)

This action cancels the sale for a token on the market.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set


FT Auction (id: token_ft_auction)

This action lists a token up for action.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set


FT Bid (id: token_ft_bid)

This action enters an auction bid for a token.


  • set = string representing the name of the NFT set
