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Building Smart Contracts



The first part of smart contracts on honeycomb you must understand is how, and what, information is stored in memory. Honeycomb is a blockchain, and it gets it's input only from processing Hive blocks. It doesn't have access to Hive data you might access on APIs like account balances. For a blockchain to function correctly it has to be repeatable/provable. Which means if somebody takes a block, and plays it forward, they have to get an identical end state as anybody else. Reaching out to HIVE APIs isn't an option directly, as these values will change over time, and therefore blocks would process differently.

So, knowing what transactions hive blocks contain is important and found at Hive's Developer Portal - Broadcast OPS

Moving on we can look at our Honeycomb State

Memory Map

Honeycomb keeps everything relatively simple. It's memory is almost identical in form to JSON. The only caveat here is arrays must be stringified. The DB is a standard keypair database, just hidden behind some custom handlers to keep things mostly easy.

ah | NFT Auction House

Internal Priced auctions appear here, these auctions don't have collateral requirements to hold bids in escrow.

"hf:3i": { // setname:UID
            "c": 0, // number of accepted bids
            "e": 90064222, // Expiration Block
            "h": "HBD", // Pair
            "i": "hf:3i", // Identifier
            "n": "", // name of high bidder
            "nft": {
               "s": "3aV4X," // NFT state (Base64 list of blocks containing completed Txs)
            "o": "savvytester", // Listing Account
            "p": 8000, // Price ($8.000 HBD)
            "q": "90064222:QmTdej7LZhNKoRsphDKWX1xGyUCwejfEr4LVtSAwxa1GEE", // queue ID (block 90064222, Virtual Op QmTdej7LZhNKoRsphDKWX1xGyUCwejfEr4LVtSAwxa1GEE)
            "t": 7 // time in days

ahh | NFT Auction House Hive

Hive and HBD priced auctions, these auctions have a collateral requirement to escrow bids.

  • UID : Object
"hf:3i": { // setname:UID
            "c": 0, // number of accepted bids
            "e": 90064222, // Expiration Block
            "h": "HBD", // Pair
            "i": "hf:3i", // Identifier
            "n": "", // name of high bidder
            "nft": {
               "s": "3aV4X," // NFT state (Base64 list of blocks containing completed Txs)
            "o": "savvytester", // Listing Account
            "p": 8000, // Price ($8.000 HBD)
            "q": "90064222:QmTdej7LZhNKoRsphDKWX1xGyUCwejfEr4LVtSAwxa1GEE", // queue ID (block 90064222, Virtual Op QmTdej7LZhNKoRsphDKWX1xGyUCwejfEr4LVtSAwxa1GEE)
            "t": 7 // time in days

balances | Liquid Balances

Tokens that are free to use for DEX, N/FT buys and auctions, settling trades, power or gov ups, etc.

  • Account Name : Int "disregardfiat": 1000

cbalances | Claim Balances

Tokens ready to be claimed. These will go 50% to balances and 50% to pow (default) or gov (choice with claim)

  • Account Name : Int "disregardfiat": 1000

chrono | Chron / Scheduled Virtual Operations

Scheduled operations are here. These include things like expiring trades and auctions, down power transactions, and creating NFT mints.

  • UID : Object
"90004293:QmbNmMGRsoeYmuEFBArgiiPvuHAryxx1QStXvuBGbL6JGT": { // block : UID
            "block": 90004293, // block
            "from": "quinnertronics", // info rquired for op
            "op": "expire", // operation to perform
            "txid": "DLUXQmSNq1BbrusqHXHFGco1nSGReF7696qHosypQ3NMyQciFi" //info required for op

contracts | Open DEX Orders by Account

List of Accounts

  • Account : Object of Lists of Contracts
"damla": { // acount
    "DLUXQmbDwW8dnzLwXv4Y4BpNGs8kCnH1YdddvSZWzBaHz1GF2h": { // UID of open Trade
        "amount": 1950, // token amount
        "block": 89758300, // open block
        "expire_path": "90622300:QmSVmUx97sJGsdqc5xEJqVNeHPRNJA1zSrkFkvHzXJzRBC", // chron ID of expire op
        "fee": 10, // fee in token
        "from": "damla", // opening account
        "hbd": 0, // hbd (This would indicate an HBD trade)
        "hive": 252, // HIVE (This is a Hive trade)
        "hive_id": "1585f5a9165d80c3ad40e3e90f0e6fb1c0861f15", // TXID of HiveTX to open Trade
        "rate": "0.129231", // Calculated trade price
        "txid": "DLUXQmbDwW8dnzLwXv4Y4BpNGs8kCnH1YdddvSZWzBaHz1GF2h", // UID
        "type": "hive:sell" // type

delegations | Delegated Vests

The delegated vest op can place a static amount into this DB, but it isn't reflective of changes that happen over time, like APR.

  • Account Name : Int "disregardfiat": 1000

dex | Dex Open Dex Orders By Price

This contains a market centric view of open DEX contracts as well as a compressed market history

  • Hive | HBD
    • buyBook | List of orders by price
    • buyOrders | Orders by UID
    • tick | Last price
    • days | History Buckets

div | Dividend Information

Information about NFT Dividends

  • set | Object
"hf": {
            "b": 1098, // balance remainder from last dividend
            "e": 1970, // number minted in set
            "l": 16, // last dispursement per NFT
            "p": 201600, // dividend period in blocks (7 days)
            "s": "hf" // set

down | Down Vote Mana Tracking

Used to calculate down power votes

  • Account | Object
"markegiles": {
            "last": 80710971, //last downvote
            "max": 50080649550, // last calculated mana size (so changes in power balance can't be gamed)
            "power": 4832154156 // power after downvote

feed | 24-28 Hour TX Feed

A list of all Hive Transactions that change Token State

  • UID | Status Message
"89964774:87e19bcad61a3f46b19ca5fee0088ba7ed6469c3": "@disregardfiat| Claimed 874.515 DLUX - Half powered up." // Block Number:txid

fts | Sealed NFT Pending Transfers

"t": { // *T*oken | *H*ive | hb*D*
            "dlux:QmPzuKzUqo6zXoLUzXuZvYniR77GuFbJrXgBZvHqWHs6XZ": { //uid of trade
               "i": "dlux:QmPzuKzUqo6zXoLUzXuZvYniR77GuFbJrXgBZvHqWHs6XZ", //uid
               "t": "disregardfiat_forykw_100000" // from_to_price

gov | Locked Gov Balances

Tokens that are locked to secure the DEX / Multi-Sig Account

  • Account Name : Int "disregardfiat": 1000

govd | Scheduled Down Powers By Account

List of Chron Ops by Account

  • Account | List of Chron Ops
"": {
            "78513557:QmQKxUWE1RYeBa82B4p8bhfx6v3wCBdBp4atBX2nppxtpt": "78513557:QmQKxUWE1RYeBa82B4p8bhfx6v3wCBdBp4atBX2nppxtpt",
            "78715157:QmeTjDXn9rg8UzMwRJ7cTP5qa2crGsRk6F2oQp1gCSFBcD": "78715157:QmeTjDXn9rg8UzMwRJ7cTP5qa2crGsRk6F2oQp1gCSFBcD",
            "78916757:QmUwLw1ZP7xGKp8XYD7LiTgcVoZHB6LLVrw5SWvvVJuuha": "78916757:QmUwLw1ZP7xGKp8XYD7LiTgcVoZHB6LLVrw5SWvvVJuuha",
            "79118357:Qmcu5hSiNvQ2n9yewuN99wXdZ7bF7gwZ7oohen44tLkqxg": "79118357:Qmcu5hSiNvQ2n9yewuN99wXdZ7bF7gwZ7oohen44tLkqxg"

granted | Granting Power

List of Accounts that have delegated thier Power and where it went

  • Account | List
"make3d": {
            "austindro": 6412581, // to account
            "disregardfiat": 10,
            "t": 6412591 // t tracks total delegated

granting | Granting Power

List of accounts recieving delegation of Power

  • Account | List
"austindro": {
            "make3d": 6412581, // delegating account with amount
            "t": 6412581 // total delegated

ls | NFTs for Sale

  • UID | Object
"hf:7k": {
            "h": "HBD",  // HIVE TOKEN
            "i": "hf:7k", // uid
            "nft": {
               "s": "3aU10," // NFT State String
            "o": "xabi", // Seller
            "p": 1000000 // Price

lt | FTs for sale in token

"dlux:QmZkaG6eqnMnR6gxFUPqchMDcsjuHTcV9ts41LjvCRHoTL": {
            "i": "dlux:QmZkaG6eqnMnR6gxFUPqchMDcsjuHTcV9ts41LjvCRHoTL",
            "o": "markegiles",
            "p": 10000000

lth | FTs for sale in Hive/HBD

"dlux:QmRL4xmQqUNFV5kUpiSHhR6S5xvGhL76ekdFfEAN5PRD4Y": { //generating UID
            "b": 0, // bids
            "d": "disregardfiat_5000,markegiles_5000", //distrobution of proceeds ( 50%/50%)
            "h": 100000, 
            "i": "dlux:QmRL4xmQqUNFV5kUpiSHhR6S5xvGhL76ekdFfEAN5PRD4Y",
            "o": "disregardfiat", // seller
            "q": 1996, //quantity for sale
            "s": ""

markets | Node Status

mss | Multi-Sig Transaction Queue (Active Authority)

msso | Multi-Sig Transaction Queue (Owner Authority)

nfts | NFTs

nomention | No Mention Elections

pfps | Profile Pictures

posts | PoB Active Posts

pow | Powered Balances

powd | Scheduled Power Downs by Account

queue | All nodes in Consensus

rnfts | Sealed NFTs by Account

runners | Nodes in Consensus with Sufficient Collateral

sets | NFT Set Information

stats | Honeycomb Status

up | Up Vote Mana Tracking

Chron Operations

Accessing State

The Process Chain