New {{newToken.token}} Token
Choose whether your token is decentralized

Using HoneyComb as a database for on chain actions is cool... but this form will only get you so far.

Enter the long name of your token
Normally All Caps
Enter the preferred tag for your community: /{{lc(newToken.token)}}/@author/permlink
Enter the JSON name for your token
Enter the prefix for your token
Enter the precision for your token: {{formatNumber(1,newToken.precision, '.',',')}} {{newToken.token}}
Enter the creator account for your token
Enter the API for your token
Enter the multi-sig account for your token

Do you want a Decentralized Exchange
Do you want Non-Fungible Tokens
Do you want state
Do you want Claim Drop
Do you want proof-of-brain
Do you want delegate
Do you want daily
Do you want liquidity
Do you want ICO
Do you want inflation